Jun 24, 2010

He Did It!!!

We decided that this summer was the perfect time for Archer to start taking swim lessons. He has no fear of water and LOVES to be in it. Swim Venture had been recommended to us, so I did some research. When I found out that they FIRST taught the kids the survival float (jumping in with your clothes on, flipping to your back, floating, then calling for HELP) I was SOLD!!! Today, Archer passed his survival float test! I was one proud mama to say the least.

Waiting to take his test.

Watch the video below to see Archer pass his test!

If you pass the test, you get to ring the pirate ship bell. RING! RING!

So proud with his new ribbon...now he is going to work on earning a purple one. 

And, look at what he got for being such a good swimmer...his very first pair of goggles. 

What a BIG BOY!!!

1 comment:

Misty Sedehi said...

That video made tears well up in my eyes! SO proud of him!!!