May 21, 2012

Hello Monday. {6 months}

Hello 6 months ago today. Hello new addition. Hello Cole Cooper.

Hello Month 1. Hello constant supervision by his big brothers.

Hello Month 2. Hello catching up on sleep.

Hello Month 3. Hello entertainment.

Hello Month 4. Hello constant hugs.

Hello Month 5. Hello entertainment continues.

Hello Month 6. Hello "Because I am getting big DOES NOT mean you can sit on my lap."

Hello 1/2 Birthday, sweet Cole!

 I am linking up with Lisa Leonard for Hello Monday.


Denise said...

so handsome. it goes too fast, huh!

did you know that that "cole" comes from the name nicholas, and means, "victory over the people." (i have a nephew with the name). that is a good strong name. :-)

Kelley @ said...

Happy 1/2 birthday sweet boy! What great pictures :)

Ps.. make sure you check out my giveaways this week! Lots of great stuff up for grabs :)

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